Friday, February 28, 2025

10 Things to Know About the Dukes County Registry of Deeds Part 4


Register Paulo C. DeOliveira


1.    Fun Facts:


Dukes County was a county of the Province of New York from 1683 to 1691. It consisted of the Elizabeth Islands, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket Island. In 1691, the county was transferred to the newly formed Province of Massachusetts Bay, where it was divided into Dukes County and Nantucket County in Massachusetts.


Thomas Mayhew sold Nantucket Island to Tristram Coffin and other Salisbury investors in 1659 for “thirty pounds plus two beaver hats one for my wife, and one for myself." See transcribed records in Book A Page 26.


Philip J. Norton was the longest serving Register of Deeds in Dukes County, 59 years of service, from December 1918 to January 1977.


Josiah Smith, as Register of Deeds, kept his office at home in Pohogonot until the new courthouse was built in 1858.


2.    All land transfers and any transfers of interest, for consideration or not, including leases (of 30 years of more) must be processed through the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank prior to being recorded at the Registry of Deeds, with the exception of properties located in Gosnold.


3.    To record a deed electronically, you must upload the Land Bank forms to the Simplifile portal. Land Bank forms can be downloaded from their website. Simplifile will route the package to the Land Bank first and once processed by them, the document is routed to the Registry of Deeds for recording.


4.    You can e-file in Registered Land (Land Court) using Simplifile.


5.    Registered Land documents are now being returned to the customer after recording.


6.     Grantor and Grantee Index books are available on beginning in 1641.


7.    The 318 gingerbread cottages, which are clustered together in Oak Bluffs, are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Since transfers are done through a bill of sale and a year-to-year lease to the Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, all changes in ownership must be recorded with the MVCMA office and Town of Oak Bluffs. There are no deeds filed at the Registry of Deeds.

8.    You can view many documents not yet available on at under Book Vault.


9.    We have a link on our website, where the public can sign up for Consumer Notification Alerts.


10.   From 1970s to 2004, surveys were segregated by town and called Case Files. For example, Edgartown Case File No. 102 can be found as Plan Book E, Page 102. West Tisbury Case File No. 5 can be found as Plan Book W, Page 5.

Simplifile Screenshot showing where to upload Land Bank Forms:

Dukes County Courthouse 1858:

Dukes County Registry of Deeds circa 1956:

Paulo C. DeOliveira is the Register of Deeds for Dukes County and the current President of the Massachusetts Registers and Assistant Registers of Deeds Association.