The following is the second installment of a series of “10 Things to Know About the Registries of Deeds” presented by the REBA Registries Section. This month’s installment is from Kathryn Toomey, Register of Deeds for Worcester County:
1. Location, Location, Location: we have a newly remodeled
Registry. We are located in the Mercantile Center, Front Street, Worcester MA 01608. We have a parking structure attached.
2. We have 4 closing rooms, and no reservations are required for use. Additionally, we have many public tables available in our large lobby areas for title examiners use – available on a first come, first serve basis.
3. We have a large public space: the “Commonwealth Room”, which is available for use at no fee. This space holds up to 60 people comfortably. There is also a large screen TV for Zoom/Teams participation.
4. Our recorded land records are indexed back to 1961, and are unindexed from 1731-1961. Registered Land is indexed 1899-today. Our books have been moved to the archives in Boston, but we can have them brought to the Registry upon request. We have not published physical books since 2003.
5. We strongly encourage review of Registered Land documents prior to recording. Documents should be sent to Worcester.deeds@sec.state.ma.us (which is monitored by trained staff at all times). Though this review is not mandatory, we prefer it for staffing reasons and smoother recording, we offer it to make it easier, but you may skip it at your own peril.
6. We have recently launched e-recording of Registered Land, however cannot e-record for dual registered/recorded land documents. Again, review in advance of submission for e-recording in registered land is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. It helps the flow of the recording clerk reviewing the certificate to complete electronic recording.
7. We record from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
8. We have 4 Commissioners to Qualify on staff. Oaths are taken daily on the premises.
9. Since Covid Crisis we have maintained an average of 78% e-recording on recorded land; but WE LOVE IN PERSON VISITORS, so come on in!
10. Additional research tools available on our website include: surveyor indices (available on the home page), RR books, county records. Probate is available on Fitchburg Deeds site – we use the same indices. Probate/divorce indices are also available in book form for in person review.